Vemma Nutrition Company

Vemma Announces Opening of Mexico Market

Vemma Nutrition Company officially opens the Mexico market on July 24

Vemma Mexico Product Offerings

  • July 24, 2012


Scottsdale, Arizona — As part of the company’s ongoing global expansion goals, Vemma Nutrition Company will officially launch in Mexico on July 24, 2012, with a new office opening in Mexico City, Mexico. Vemma Brand Partners living in over 50 countries can now expand their businesses into Mexico, which is one of the top 10 direct-selling markets in the world according to the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations, and has been named a $5.8 billion market by Direct Selling News magazine.

“Network marketing is hugely successful in Mexico,” says Vemma Founder and CEO BK Boreyko. “Mexico’s direct-selling revenues are among the top 10 in the world. This launch into our neighboring country will allow us to further develop relationships with Mexico and with the Hispanic community here in the United States.”

The Vemma products available for purchase and distribution in Mexico are the original superfruit Vemma formula (32-oz and 2-oz single serve size) and Verve Energy Drink, a lightly concentrated, 8.3-oz beverage touted as “the world’s only healthy energy drink.” Both products are currently available in over 50 countries around the world.

The Vemma Mexico office address is:
Concepción Beistegui 13
Piso 5 - Oficina 502
Col. Del Valle, Del. Benito Juárez
03100 México, D.F.
Tel: 52.55.4746.3690 (If calling inside Mexico — toll-free 01 800 681 0663)

"I look forward to the opportunities the Mexico market offers Vemma to expand our global brands, and the potential to help people live a better quality of life, both physically and financially," says Vemma Founder and CEO BK Boreyko.






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